ADVERTISEMENT Writing eBooks and putting them for sale on digital channels might not be all you need to make money from eBook sales. According to The Guardian, sales of digital books are set to hit an all-time high as readers turn to pay for eBooks to escape pandemic cabin fever. To make money from eBooks, you need to fine-tune your eBook to suit a certain standard and put in specific efforts to make yours the readers’ choice. For this reason, this article will walk you through untapped ways to make money from eBooks. Remember, there’s no end to the amount of money you can make from eBook sales. While selling eBooks has the potential to be profitable, it’s not a business where you make hundreds of dollars per sale. As a matter of fact, one eBook is capable of lifting you from zero to millionaire. To make money from eBooks, you need to maintain high sales over and over. Monitoring and processing these sales can be a time-consuming task unless you use tools to take care o...
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